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2020 has been a strange year so far hey? It’s certainly changed things up (or down) a lot. What I’ve wanted to do this year, more than anything, has been to support the clients who I was already committed to, whilst managing the weird shifts and changes happening in the world and within my family. We’re mostly ‘back to normal’ around here. It’s mid school holidays and my youngest two are midst cleaning their rooms which means basically the entire content of the hoarding 9 and 12-year-old is spread over the closest adjacent room. Sorting has to be done in 15 minutes bursts followed by 1 hour ‘breaks’ to rest and recuperate for next 15 minutes of wild sorting. It’s slow. I’m pained. And I’m also patient. 2020 taught me that. If we’re all going to be at home with each other for months on end there’s no need to rush. Everything happens anyway. The busy-ness momentarily disappeared.

My work has been necessary and continuing and ever-morphing and evolving, but constant. Perhaps purpose became more valuable. As we were forced to slow down, confined to our homes and now out States, we had to start noticing what existed right in front of us. We could fight it or appreciate it. Or both at the same time.

But I noticed my anxiety rose again. And I started to say I was ‘busy’ and I noticed my stress, and I wondered why on earth I was here again. I think I momentarily forgot my purpose.

There’s a big shift in the world to a higher level of consciousness. Can you feel it? The conversations are getting more real. We’re questioning things more. Know what I mean?

Or are you just too busy to notice?

Are you still interested in not being so busy?

Have you had enough of the overwhelm of survival mode and just getting through each day to it do it again the next day? Even with a life that has great things, do you find yourself unfulfilled and discontent and wonder why you’re such a miserable cow and where the woman went you used to be? Have you always had a sense there was more for you even though you couldn’t put your finger on it?

One day I realised that anxiety was my calling, calling me. From somewhere in the (well-ignored) depths of my being an energy was making me feel so uncomfortable with my everyday life that I decided it was time to stop ignoring myself and start trying to work out what I needed. Starting with who I was. And then what was stopping me. And how I was distracting and hijacking myself. So, with space and awareness, I could tap into my purpose, commit to that, make myself worthy of greater things, connect to the people who lifted me higher and then tap into the infinite resource of my feminine power to create magical things from a solid foundation.

From this process I created the 8 Week Incubator. I’ve been running it for 5 years now and what happens when people (mostly women) go through the process is that things undeniably get better. When you start with yourself (healing, making whole, coming home, self-care and self-love) then suddenly you have more to offer and extend to the world. As yourself. It can be in the form of a creation (art, writing, craft, healing) and/or a business – but mostly it’s about you getting back in alignment with who you truly are so you just KNOW what to do next. Relationships evolve (higher level), connection gets deeper (deeper level), people stop doing things that make them unhappy (jobs that aren’t right, obligations and expectations are let go of) and magic is created (art, businesses, writing, laughter, love).

We’re just winding up Incubator Flock 20. It’s been beautiful. As always. My favourite one ever. As always. And the good news…there’s 1 more. Flock 21. One last chance for 2020. To change things up.

I know some of you have felt around the edges for ages, leaned it a bit and then pulled back. I know some of you are new to my work but something called you to and that’s why you’re here. Don’t ignore the callings of your soul. There are magnificent things for you in the world, and it’s time to do something about them. To feel simultaneously excited and terrified is how it rolls for most people who work with me. I think they know I won’t let them get away with hiding anymore, and they’re so ready to be seen.

If you’re sick of settling and running away from your calling just stop running. Plant your feet, ground yourself and take a deep breath. Choose you. If I feel like someone who can help with that, then I’m here. Pop your details in here and choose a time. I’ll call you (me, a real person) and we’ll talk and work out the plan forward. You will need to be ready (scared is OK, but you must be ready to lean into that) to invest your time, energy and money into YOU. That’s where it starts. The moment you decide.

Big loves xx



The next dates for the EPIC IncubatorHER will be coming up soon … more here.

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F#*k you / Thank you Universe or How I accidentally got Incubated (it wasn’t really an accident)

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What to expect when you are Incubating: A Chronology


Author Fleur

More posts by Fleur

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