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I’ve been banging on about doing a video blog for ages. I have made a couple – one when I was on a girls trip to KL and may have had far too much to drink, and also one late at night in my pyjamas (completely sober) which included me dancing. Suffice to say, neither of those will be going public anytime soon. I hope. Not by me anyway.

So today I did it. I was actually recording a video for a video series, and then thought it was time (while I had everything rigged up) to do it. Thing is, I didn’t make it on my exceptionally well-engineered filming equipment, I made on the piece of magnificent technology that is an iPhone. SO great. I’m pretty in love with technology. I did take advantage of the fact that I was appropriately dressed (if you could call a digital print, off-the-shoulder onesie appropriate. Ever.) and was wearing makeup and had washed my hair.

The options for screen-shots included one of me looking drunk and angry, one of me looking asleep or one of me looking goofy. I went with goofy. No place for vanity in the world of video still-shots I can tell you!

Anyway, without further ado, here it is:

Just make it happen. And then it will be done and it won’t even be a big deal after the first or second or fourth time.

What is it that you need to do that you’ve been putting off until the time is right? Isn’t it the right time, right now? x


Author Fleur

More posts by Fleur

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  • Debbie says:

    Hi Fleur
    Just saw your video and my just do it is getting my website up and running. Guess what I started…. or tried to do more of it but it didn’t save so I will be starting again tomorrow. I really know what you mean and by reading your emails I am encouraged tobe getting on with it…


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