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Thank you to all those amazing people who have driven me and mine around in the last 3 months.

Here’s my photo tribute to you all x

2014-11-05 11.04.16

I’m not sure if you know how much I liked being in back for those long trips to Perth! I hope you all appreciated that I tried to make up for not driving by providing entertainment???

2014-11-05 11.05.35

2014-11-05 11.06.52

I know Andi looks like she’s driving and sleeping but I think I took the photo when she blinked!

2014-11-05 11.08.03

I know it looks like I’m driving, but this was on a farm, not on public roads, and the kids were actually driving. Not sure if this is safe or legitimate either.

2014-11-05 11.18.44

That’s us in the back of the golf cart in KL. I didn’t care about the driver, just not having to walk to the shops! Unfortunately I didn’t get a photo of the taxi driver on the gunga.

2014-11-05 11.19.34

2014-08-11 15.42.14-2

And we really enjoyed doing this. But also glad to have the option to drive places now too!

There were more I know, but I didn’t get your picture (and all those other people who drove my kids places for me while I enjoyed myself at home!).

I owe you one!


Author Fleur

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