If you’re curious about the best way to work with me, we should chat.
Is your calling, calling you?
Here’s an opportunity. The way I work is to have a FREE session with you first. This is not a coaching session.
This is a strategic unearthing session – so I (we) can work out where you’d like to be if it all worked out, and where you are now and what it is that stops you getting closer, and if I’m the person to help you. And only then will I offer you the best pathway forward that I see. And I don’t do hard sales. But I will offer you an opportunity, and you can choose (or not) and either will be OK with me.
The work is relevant if you have a soul-based business or business idea that you want to grow. The work is relevant if you feel lost and life lacks meaning, even though you are always busy. The work is relevant if you know there is more for you and it just won’t go away, and you can’t settle down and accept that where you are now is all there is.
Free Strategy Session
I know all the plethora of excuses that get in the way of dreams. Too busy. Too tired. No time. No energy. Too many kids. Too hard. Too uncomfortable.
If you’re ready to put all that aside (for now) and do something, then all we need is 1 hour. Uninterrupted. A notebook and a cuppa.
And you know what?
The best way to figure out what is going to be the best experience / path / building block for you, is to talk to you about it.
I can help you figure out what you want. And we’ll easily be able to figure out if what I do fits with what you want. And if you and I are a good fit. I won’t offer it to you otherwise.
Big loves,

You could be this person
Purpose is a funny thing. You may not not what yours is but here it calling like a never ending dissatisfaction at the end of another busy day. You may not even have time to consider purpose or how it fits for you, right in the middle of the Groundhog Day of survival mode. Survival mode is the number 1 purpose-stealer and dream-killer of all times. Maybe your self-esteem is flailing, maybe relationship turmoil is taking up a lot of time or maybe the past just keeps trying to swallow you up. Maybe the dream doesn’t feel possible or maybe it’s just terrifying.
You might be this person
Have you forgotten who you are, in (or outside) your relationship and role as a wife, mother, woman? Are you exhausted from the endless seeking to find something that feels better than survival mode, or to be seen, heard and noticed in a life that is constantly busy? In my work (and previously in my life) I’ve noticed that relationship turmoil and/or dissatisfaction are some of the GREATEST DISTRACTIONS that exists to hijack us from creating a life of meaning. “The Inside Out Love Story” is for incredible women (brilliant, smart, sassy, educated, determined and capable) who keep getting thrown from their path of purpose by constant confusion and overwhelm. Women who were so great and deserving and good at what they did, but lost in this thing called relationships, and then lost. Entirely lost. Then starting from the inside with the Inside Out Love Story may be for you.
Purpose sits at the centre. The centre of everything.
I believe my purpose is the centre of everything.
And when I’m back in the centre of everything – in the centre of me – I have more energy, and patience and more good humour and I’m a better mother and a nicer girlfriend and I’m still a shit-hot housewife and I can multi-task like a mofo – but it’s between shoes and magic, and arguments and building webinars, and lunch-boxes and coaching magnificence, and a conversation about parent teacher interviews and a conversations about digital marketing. It’s reading Shrek 2 (the really fricking long, super boring retelling the movie version) out load to the kids before bed and then a novel about climate change and butterflies and a book about being a TED speaker. It’s getting kids ready for their first day back at school and doing hair and taking the blame for the 3 week old mouldy orange is Miss 8’s bag, and kissing them goodbye and heading our for coffee coaching (because the studio is too full of people and beds for coaching) and meetings about running training programs and doing a sales call in the sunshine at the foreshore and wearing active wear all day and not making an exercise class, and going for a quick walk after work with the guy and then damage control when we get home between a couple of kids, and washing all the conditioner out of the bath they used in the Barbie’s hair, and making sausage rolls and vegetarian, gluten free sausage rolls, and monitoring dessert and stories and bedtime for kids, and answering some stuff in the Facebook groups and watching Rake with my guy while he sleeps (even though it was his idea). And sleeping. And getting up at 6.30am because the only way to have the day is embrace it. Shower first. Be dressed before them and ready for whatever the morning brings.
That’s how you graciously juggle my love, and somewhere up there in the space above this is a chance for you to find your way there.
To truly embrace life and all that is possible for you.
It’s not about doing more. It’s about being more while you do what you do. It’s about knowing what to do and what to say no too. It’s about you being happy first.
What they say
Interview with Nicola Moras – here’s a video of me talking to Nicola Moras about what I do, if you’d prefer the version where I write the story with my mouth.
Here’s what people have said about working with me: