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I’m so excited at the moment. It’s like every little thing in my life that I hoped for, dreamed of, wished for, thought of just lined up in some way and I’m carrying this little buzz that’s kinda like nervous, a tiny bit like anxiety, but mostly just like “EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE, I”M EXCITED”. I could have had one too many cups of tea (caffeine can have the same effect, although it tends to go after about half a hour and I’ve had DAYS of this!!).

Perhaps it’s because I’ve started a blog and I get to talk about all the things I want to no-one in particular, instead of having the little conversations in my head. Perhaps it’s because when I broke my heart and got such a shock that I could feel as crappy at 37 as I did every other time, I decided to have a look at why and found out some really powerful stuff about my beliefs and the way I was letting them drive my experience. Perhaps it’s because I signed up to start Boot Camp next week, and have to get up at 5.30am three days a week and really I just feel  a bit nervited/excitous about getting up in the freezing cold, dark, wintery weather and getting my fitness goals challenged!

Or maybe, in combination, it’s because I can see I can do something to share with the world, and I finally am OK if no-one reads it or likes it, and I changed what I believed about myself and other people by doing a bit of discovery on beliefs, and getting fit is actually really empowering. I really don’t like the personal trainer kicking my ass, or feeling like vomiting after a PT session, so I have added determination to get fit so it feels good. Apparently that does happen.

So I believe, that when you change EVERYTHING changes. Your experience is different, the way you feel about yourself is transformed, and you notice something more in all the people around you. I do hope my excitement can be kept at appropriate level, because it is a bit OTT at the minute, but I’m guessing three 6am floggings next week will probably tone me down a bit! Or not…..Exciting isn’t it?


Author Fleur

More posts by Fleur

Join the discussion 6 Comments

  • Renee says:

    I need that feeling back!!!!! xxx

  • Josie says:

    You rock Fleur xxxxx

  • Bel says:

    You go girl!!! your awesome and an inspiration. Im really going to enjoy reading your bloggs.

    Does this mean we dont have to talk as much?? Hope not!

  • Kaili Behan says:

    I too am excited about boot camp … although I am going to protest loudly in between coughing up my lungs on the foreshore in the freezing cold Gero winter morning xo

  • Allyson Cantrall says:

    You should seriously think about writing a book, very talented with words! Made me get over how crappy I was feeling after doing yoga in a 38 degree room, new crazy sport I started tonight. Didn’t think I would go back but you have inspired me with your blogs. Too always wondered what a blog was!!

  • I love everything you write and look forward to reading more in the future. Love you ♥

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